Where to stay when you come to Santiago as a tourist?
There are many nice places in this city, but let’s try to be practical. Price-Value.
Aspects to take into account:
– First of all you want to feel safe in the area you are moving.
– Second they do not want the lodging to be so expensive.
– Third, they want the lodging to have all the conditions to feel comfortable, according to their expectations.
– Let’s take as a guide Plaza Baquedano, central reference of the city. Plaza Baquedano is known for where all the protests begin. This square is close to all the main tourist areas of the city.
To the west of the square begins downtown Santiago, from that area is preferable in the neighborhoods of Bellas Artes and Lastarria, the rest becomes a little dangerous at night. South of downtown Santiago there are many lodging options, quite safe if you stay closer to Providencia (Alameda avenue, divides downtown between south and north, so you can find your way around).
To the north is Bellavista, it is the party district, there is a lot of action at night, especially on weekends. It is good to stay there, but it will depend on your desire to party.
To the east is Providencia, it is the most recommended neighborhood to stay in, because it is very nice and much safer. Providencia is quite big, it goes from Baquedano to Costanera Center. There are many options in that area.
Towards the south Providencia continues and then Ñuñoa, this neighborhood, Ñuñoa is quite safe and has several options for fun. Try to be close to a subway station to facilitate the displacement.